Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Homeward bound

Once cleaned up and inside for lunch, we had a great time talking with all the Flin Flon athletes and parents. Soon enough it was time to pack up and hit the road, much too soon for our liking. It was a sad moment as we climbed back into our red and blue vans, the Flin Flon team waving goodbye as we backed away. After a brief stop at the candy bar (where we somehow ended up with a giant bag of gummies) and the Flintabity Flonagan statue, we were once again back in the road. In the blue van Erik got comfy with his pillow and sleeping bag and fell asleep within the first hour. Mhari and I spent some time blogging before we settled in for a This American Life podcast about an abandoned house. The next thing I can tell you about is the sudden realization of loud rock music, and that it was already after 4 o'clock.  If you want to knew how that story ended, you are going to have to ask Mhari.
The drive was long, and we were all tired and sore. Our next major stop was Ashern, where we took photos with a giant bird and stopped for our subway supper (the lobster restaurant was unfortunately closed). With about 3 hours left to winnipeg, we switched up the vans one last time and hunkered down for the final stretch of the journey.
Once we finally arrived at Raglan road, it was almost like we'd never left. The sky was dark, the night was quiet. It looked exactly the same as when we'd left, but sort from that nothing was the same. Sure we came home with a few injuries, but we made new friends, new memories, and had a ton of fun.

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